Mobirise bootstrap design tool
Fish Creek RoadHouse on the way to Preimer and area


The Crown-granted Lakeshore and located Monitor claims lie on the south end of Monitor Lake on the divide separating Cooper Creek and Long Lake. The claims were included at times in the Bush Consolidated Gold Mines Inc. and Extenuate Gold Mines, Ltd., holdings. 

Apart from a minor amount of surface trenching on quartz-breccia veins, little exploration was done. 

In 1963, New Indian Mines Ltd. drilled the main vein on the Lakeshore claim. Five holes totalling about 1,300 feet were drilled and surface sections resampled, but results did not warrant a continuation of the programme.

Two intersecting fissure veins are readily visible on the claims only a few hundred feet south of Monitor Lake. One is localized along a northwest-trending, west-dipping, irregular fissure zone in dark mylonite (pseudoporphyry) and is typical of the quartz-breccia fissure veins of the area. The main sulphide is coarse-grained pyrite, and scattered galena and sphalerite are also visible, but no significant gold-silver values were found. 

A more extensive vein trends northerly and is along one of a number of subparallel conjugate faults of the Long Lake fault zone which appears to postdate the northwesterly trending vein. Mineralization is likewise spotty, but was traced for about 1,000 feet south along the fault into overburden. 

A number of smaller quartz veins were located west of Monitor Lake at about 3,600 feet elevation on Slate Mountain, localized as flat, irregular lenses in phyllitic mylonite subparallel to the Bowser siltstone contact. These small veins have been explored by two short adits and scattered pyrite is the only sulphide.

Other quartz veins are present in the phyllitic siltstones on Slate Mountain, but no significant sulphide mineralization was found.

Looking down Salmon Valley from Troy

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Stewart, BC
Canada V0T 1W0

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